Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Transgender man breastfeeds!

Here is the link!

  Some people have different views but I find this utterly fucked up! I have nothing against the transgender community though! So I see it this way, you are born a woman but growing up you feel like you should have been a man and is disgusted by being of the female sex. You get hormone treatments to start looking like a man you just haven't gotten entire transformation because let's face it is expensive! Now you get yourself pregnant and breastfeed! This just doesn't sit well with me. People who become transgender is because they hate themselves as the sex they were born, feel like the opposite sex and is disgusted with the sex in which they were born. Well bearing and breastfeeding children is a very feminine thing. This person has got to be mentally ill and should not even have a child in their care!  A normal transgender would Just adopt. Never mind this is all over the internet and this child will probably grow up hating the father that birthed him! So many people don't understand this child did not choose this on his own and he will be ridiculed unfortunately throughout all his years. This really makes me sad for the child :o(

Monday, April 21, 2014

City VS Suburbia then a tangled mess

So I saw someone post this picture above about the lovely Brockton and I saw this comment below. I am the one who made the comment you have a point. In the city yeah everything is more thrown in your face where in suburbia this guy is right more of the other bad stuff happens more often but it is more hidden and made to look oh so perfect when in reality it is not. There are drug addicts in suburbia also it is just better managed for the most part.  
Ok and as I was typing this my 4 year old decided to brush her hair. I stayed at my mom's last night to save gas since I am taking care of her cats while she is away and well I didn't think to tell my daughter to not brush her hair with one of those round brushes.... Hopefully a bunch of conditioner can get the brush out :/ It is worse than it looks.... Well this ends my post for today... Or Maybe more will happen later.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Easter Basket Poems

Growing up my mom always hid our baskets and wrote poems from the "Easter bunny" with clues to where our baskets were....... well now I am here carrying that over... Last year my husband wrote them and this year I will.... Here are my poems I typed up on my phone while I got my cardio in at the YMCA

Poem for SD1 (age 10 )
Hippity Hoppity
In the wind I went
Where one sits when bitty
For you it's not meant
You have used one before when little
You have to use your brain
I am sure you will get this riddle
Let's hope it doesn't rain.

Poem for SD2(age 7)
For you my dear
Your Basket's near
But don't you fear
That smell won't smear

It maybe fully empty
Or filled to the tippity
Don't give it a lickity
Or you may get sickity.

Poem for BD1(age 4)
I Just wanted to get clean
Wasn't trying to be mean
Sorry I broke a chocolate egg
At least it was not my precious leg.

Poem for BD2(age 1)
Here is your basket.........

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


My bio#1 who is 4 years old took her sweet time at dinner,  so she basically sat at the table till 730. By that time I told her your getting in the shower and going to bed because we have to get up at 6am. I plan on reading them their story and having both in bed by 8. That shit So didn't happen! I searched for the brush for about a half hour while screaming what the FUCK before they got their bedtime story. Now it's just past 8:30 and they Just got in bed.  Thank goodness they don't repeat my words LoL!


  Well I am new to this blogging thing.  I did however have two facebook pages I run/ran. Unfortunately facebook has added some major restrictions and is making it boring for me.  If You ever wanna check them out they are www.facebook.com/raisinggirlsba and www.facebook.com/mommastimeout . I am a 29 year old pisces female, happily married to my ass muncher with two bio daughters and two bonus daughters ages 10,7,4 and 1. We live in Massachusetts and I am a majorly ADHD SAHM. I love twisted humor, all things fluffy, box wine, the ocean and the woods. ... oh yeah and of course all four kids abs my husband. Oh and as I was thinking about starting a blog my 1 year old ate some kitty litter.... we don't have a cat but we visit my mom's house often during the week to save on had LoL yes we share one minivan and my mom is closer to his work and the ymca.  I might come on later with some more posts but as of now I need to get these kids out to go get daddy.  Muah!